Singing with the Spirit

Doing Chores…Part Two

What kind of chores do you have?  You know that we all have work to do, and in an earlier article we discussed a two-fold idea of ‘doing chores’.

The idea of working on the farm (doing chores) and how we, through God’s Word, are referred to as sheep.  Understand this clearly, we are sheep, and at the same time we have an obligation to tend sheep.  How can we be expected to do both?  Can we be sheep and at the same time be ‘shepherd’ sheep?

Perhaps the following song, written in the 1960s by Robert Arnold and Clyde Williams, gives the details of our task, our chore, when it comes to working with sheep.  Though not often sung in our congregations today, this song speaks to us about doing our chores.  The basis for this song is found in John 21:15-17; “So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?’  He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord: You know that I love You.’  He said to him, ‘Tend My lambs.’  He said to him again a second time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love Me?’  He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.’  He said to him, ‘Shepherd My sheep.’  He said to him the third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love Me?’  Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, ‘Do you love Me?’  And he said to Him, ‘Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.’  Jesus said to him, ‘Tend My sheep.’ ”  Referencing Christ’s discussion with Peter by the Sea of Galilee, you’ll notice this song of encouragement is really Christ telling Peter (and us) to bring those who are lost back to Him.  If we love Him, we will be doing our chores and tending His sheep.  Perhaps we need to examine ourselves and see who we really love.

“In the good Book we’re told how to the saints of old, Jesus said, ‘Go feed My sheep;’
As He commanded then, we’ll be commanded when Jesus says children feed My sheep.

Lovest thou Me, My child, more than these? (repeat)
These are the words Peter of old, by our Lord then was told,
And today, Jesus says, these are My sheep.
Lovest thou Me, My child, more than these? (repeat)
As of old, so today, Hear the Lord, He will say,
Lovest thou Me, more than these?
Feed My sheep!

“Jesus commanded those, who would obey His call, ‘Go the lost and bring them in.’
Bring ye the wanderers home, wherever they may roam, Help them eternal life to win.

Lovest thou Me, My child, more than these? (repeat)
These are the words Peter of old, by our Lord then was told,
And today, Jesus says, these are My sheep.
Lovest thou Me, My child, more than these? (repeat)
As of old, so today, Hear the Lord, He will say,
Lovest thou Me, more than these?
Feed My sheep!

There are chores to be done no doubt.  And like those years of my youth on a small, rural farm in the 70’s, you too have a chore.  But unlike those early years, you have a choice.  You don’t have to do your chores.  You can skip out on ‘tending the sheep’ and just play around in the garden.  If that’s the road you take you need to remember this; one day you’ll be ask how you did with your chores?  Did you love your Father and obey His directive?  Did you (do you) really love Him?  We can answer like Peter did, “Yes, Lord!  I love You…”  But the results of your labor will be the real answer to the question, “Lovest Thou Me?”  When we love our God, we’ll be doing our chores!