Singing with the Spirit

Do You Want to Talk?

Think about this for a moment; who are you close to and who do you like to talk to?  Is there someone in your life with whom you can share your deepest concerns or your most intimate thoughts?

Understanding that is a personal question, and one that honestly can only be answered by YOU; consider this… how close are you to God?  My family and I set aside a time to pray around the kitchen table before we ‘break the bread’ (does your family still pray before you eat?).  We remind our kids to ‘say their prayers as they go to bed at night (our kids are all in their teen years).  And every week, on more than one occasion, we gather with our church family and pray together.  But is that good enough?  Do we share with God our personal, heartfelt concerns or are our prayers more routine?  Do are prayers just mainly consist of a check list that addresses all the ‘important’ things in our life.

Perhaps, instead, we should be praying with understanding.  We should be praying, as Paul said in I Thessalonians 5:17, “…without ceasing.”  And as we come to know God and to grow closer to Him, we realize this is our avenue of communication with Him.  Take time today, bow your head and pray.  He hears you and He cares.  Click on the title below (Pray) and listen to this song from Jan McCoy and the McCoy Family singers.  A beautiful reminder of the blessings we have when we pray.  I hope you’ll consider this song that speaks toward our ‘speaking’ to God.  As we call upon to hear us and answer our plea…

      Song Title:

“Pray, Pray, Pray”

“The Word plainly teaches that God’s children are to pray.
And how we are to pray is clear for Jesus shows the way.
When He walked on earth, He was a man like you and me,
But He called upon His Father’s help in prayer unceasingly.

So pray (to God) without ceasing, in all your work and your play.
Yes pray (to God) without ceasing.  Just stop, don’t look away, just pray, pray, pray.

Today we can carry out this privilege to pray.
And take out God’s captive for the Lord who leads the way.
By living this way we learn to pray unceasingly,
Our eyes upon the Father’s throne where Jesus intercedes.
So pray (to God) without ceasing, in all your work and your play.
Yes pray (to God) without ceasing.  Just stop, don’t look away, just pray, pray, pray.
Don’t look away, just pray, pray, pray. (repeat)

It’s not something you have to be a professional about doing, and there’s certainly no secret code.  Many fail to pray because they fail to see how God could care about them.  With all our issues and problems, many determine that God mostly likely wouldn’t even matter to God.  But you need to know this for sure…that is a lie perpetrated by God’s greatest adversary.  The devil would just as soon you not pray.  “Stop praying, turn away from God and don’t worry about talking to your Father.  He’s too busy for you.”

Simply put…God’s wants a relationship with you.  He would like to have an intimate conversation with you, but you have to be willing to come to Him.  He is speaking to you right now, but you’ll never hear Him unless you pick up the Word, the ‘Good Book’, God’s Holy BIBLE.  That’s His intimate conversation with you…I guess you have to ask yourself, do you want to talk?


1 thought on “Do You Want to Talk?”

  1. Thanks for the reminder of how important prayer is and for the beautiful hymn! Very timely – I received a prayer request from a friend this evening. Writing down prayer requests and needs helps me to remember to pray for specific people & struggles. It’s a blessing to share prayer needs with close friends and know they will be praying as well. Great article!

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