Singing with the Spirit

Study to Show Yourselves Approved

How much work goes into an individual’s personal study time?  Each of us know the importance of working toward a task.  It takes time, work and practice if we hope to achieve any element of success.  The student may find himself up late at night studying and preparing himself for a final exam.  At the same time, teachers and professors spend an untold amount of time not only preparing that exam, but grading it over the weekend.  A policeman who has never prepared himself to ‘serve and protect’ would fail miserably when facing a crime scene.  Any ‘professional’ knows the importance of preparation, studying.

In the Lord’s church any preacher who is worth his salt, will spend years training, days preparing and hours studying to present a lesson that will inspire and motivate the congregation of God’s people.  The uninformed might say, ‘All he does is preach a Sunday morning sermon; no big deal.’  But the minister of God’s Word knows differently.  There is a burden on his back to ‘study to show himself approved unto God…rightly dividing the word of truth.’ (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV)

If each of these ‘professions’ dedicate themselves to the task at hand, including the preacher of the Gospel of Christ, would it be any different for the song leader?  Perhaps the song leader could be more diligent when it comes to his ‘job’ as well.  How often do we see song leaders flipping through their song books minutes before the service starts?  More than once, in a small congregation, have I been asked, ‘can you lead the singing for us this morning?’  Never mind preparing yourself for the job; besides, all you have to do is just sing, right?  The seminar, Singing with the Spirit, identifies this topic of preparing to leading singing as well as various areas of preparing for ‘The Song Leader’s Job’.

Consider this quote from Darryl Tippens’ book, “That’s Why We Sing”, page 24.

“Elders, ministers, youth ministers have all sorts of meetings, conferences and associations, yet today few churches invest in programs that really teach everyone to sing.  Where are the regional and national meetings devoted to enhancing congregational singing?  How many Bible lectureships give special attention to teaching new hymns (or the translation of some of our older, traditional hymns)?  Where is the Christian university willing to establish a Center for A Cappella Worship?  Where do worship leaders meet to share their knowledge of hymns, their methods of  teaching new songs and old?  Who is helping to revitalize the singing in old churches, small churches?  It has been said, ‘The Christian church was born in song.’ (Ralph Martin, Worship in the Early Church)  Perhaps the church in our day will be reborn through songs as well.”

We can teach and we should learn, but we must come to realize that singing in the Lord’s church is not an obligation or burden.  We have a direct command and a beautiful opportunity to sing to the glory of God.  Let’s unite in this effort of teaching, learning and singing from our hearts, with the voice and the spirit to praise the King of Kings.

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts for training, teaching and learning more ways to grow in our congregational singing.  If you’re interested, we can discuss the possibility of scheduling a seminar for 2013.

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