Singing with the Spirit

What Are We Singing?

Singing is an important part of our worship.  However, do you know that some of our songs are clearly at odds with God’s word?  Unfortunately there are a few songs that we’ll sing on any given Sunday (or Wednesday) that come from a worldly view of who God is and what God expects.  When the world influences our singing, it should come as no surprise that we will have songs that contain errors.  Though some of our newer songs (contemporary songs) are uplifting and inspirational, we should be careful what we’re singing.  I would encourage each of us to test each song (traditional or contemporary) and determine it’s Biblical accuracy… otherwise we run the risk of ‘singing without thinking’.

Consider these three questions as you look at hymns:

  1. Do I think about the words of the song or am I ‘caught up in the music?’

  2. If is a song is counter to God’s word, how will I know for sure?

  3. Will I eliminate an ‘un-Biblical song’ from my selection, or accept it as poetic license?

Song leaders…we have an obligation to properly prepare and diligently examine the songs we lead in the Lord’s church.  A preacher worth his salt will spend countless hours preparing for Sunday’s sermons; how much time will you give to preparing for Sunday’s song service?  Perhaps thirty minutes before worship is not only insufficient time-wise… it’s careless preparation too!  The ‘Singing with the Spirit’ Seminar talks in more detail about this scenario.  If you’re interested in learning more about song leaders and their song selection, let me know.  Together we’ll take a look at… What Shall We Sing

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