He Is Risen…March 31st

Morning Sunshine

Sunday morning, March 31st, is known in some ‘religious circles’ as Easter Sunday.  Many god-fearing people select this Sunday as a time to commemorate our Lord’s resurrection…

However, at Waterview church of Christ, every Sunday we remember (memorialize) our Lord’s death, burial and resurrection. Together, we share in the Lord’s Supper.  This week, March 31st, will be no different.  When you read Matthew 28: 1-7, you’ll read of the miracle surrounding Christ’s resurrection, and in that we find the title of our lesson.  The following ‘order of worship’ is designed to focus on minds on our Savior’s resurrection; today and every Sunday!

I Corinthians 14:15, “…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”

Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah – 3

This hymn of praise (which could also be considered a psalm since it parallels Psalm 148) admonishes the singer to recognize and glorify our Father.  You’ll notice the word ‘praise’ is mentioned 10 times in this hymn…5 times in verse 1 alone.

You Are the Song that I Sing – 238

“You are the words and the music, You are the song that I sing…”  Without a notation of authorship or composer this ‘contemporary’ hymn is an excellent example of a song sung to our God.  When you sing this song ask yourself if you will truly do as this song states in its closing line?  “…so now I give back to You the song that You gave to me…”

Thomas’ Song – 269

One of my favorite ‘communion’ songs, Thomas’ Song, is a possible (yet not recorded) narrative from the apostle Thomas as he He Livesconsiders the resurrection of Christ.  John 20:25 reads, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands, and put my finger where the nails where, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe it.”  While the chorus sings, “If I could only hold Your hand, and touch the scars where nails were driven; I would need to feel Your side where holy flesh by spear was riven.  Then I’d believe…”  But listen to Thomas’ closing statement as he stands before Christ and proclaims, “You are my Lord and my God!

Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed – 324

An interesting song that was written in two time periods.  The verses were written by Isaac Watts in 1707, while the refrain (by Ralph E. Hudson) came almost 180 years later.  On a personal note, I prefer the verse separate from the upbeat tempo of the chorus.  But more importantly let me direct you to the closing line from the first verse, “…would He devote that sacred head for such a worm as I?”   Over the years this verse was edited to read, “…would He devote that sacred head for such a ONE as I?”  Ask yourself, which version do you prefer…and why?

Low in the Grave He Lay – 344

When we sing this song following the Lord’s Supper Sunday morning, we’ll sing all three verses before we sing the chorus.  My personal preference since the verses are designed to be melancholy and thoughtful, while the chorus changes tempo to excitement and jubilation.  And certainly it should be as we proclaim; “Hallelujah! Christ arose.”

Surround Us, Lord – no book

Taken from Psalm 125:2, this ‘psalm’ serves as a great ‘spiritual song’, encouraging the singer and the listener to understand that, “…we need to be in Your (God’s) presence.”  Listen to the YouTube link below if you are interested in learning it, or just want to sing it again!

He Lives! – 346

“…You ask me how I know he lives? He lives within my heart.”  These words serve as the conclusion to a wonderful song of joy and adoration.  This song, before our lesson, resounds with the declaration, the title:

Have You Been to Jesus – 904

These next two songs, our invitation and closing song, call for us to be ‘washed in the blood of the Lamb’ and to find our assurance in Him.  But before we close the invitation we’ll repeat the chorus with one more call to respond.  But then we’ll close with the following:

Blessed Assurance – 480

As we close this time of worship would that all Christians sing the chorus of this song with a stronger conviction and a clearer understanding. “This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long…”  Let that soak in for a minute, praising God all day long?  Would you, can you, will you praise God 24-7?  You can and you will if you truly believe that…He Is Risen!

Weaving a Web…March 24th

This Sunday morning, March 24th, we will have a special guest speaker at Waterview church of Christ.  David Friesen is one of our missionary’s, and he works with david friesenthe congregation of God’s people in Camrose, Alberta, Canada.

How many people would you say it takes to strengthen the work in the mission field?  Will we ever understand the influence and impact our collective efforts have on evangelism?  David will share with us some of the work God is doing in Canada. Join us as he shows us the web of people who are woven together, helping spread the word of God.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”
I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, March 24, 2013

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” – 96

We’ll open our worship this morning with what many consider a ‘contemporary’ hymn of praise to God.  This beautiful song was written over 25 years ago and calls for us to recognize our God’s position as “too marvelous for words.”  Standing as we sing let us lift our voices in awe to our God!  “Holy God to whom all praise is due…”

“Doxology” – 66

A beautiful, traditional hymn (a song sung to HIM) that was penned in the early 1700’s.  But the music (Genevan Psalter) is even more antiquated as it dates back to the mid-1550’s…over 450 years ago.  Yet the value of this song is found in its simple, everlasting words; … “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”

“Hallelujah! What a Savior” – 337

“Man of Sorrows”, what a name to place on our Savior, and yet we find it in the scriptures (Isaiah 53:3); “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering…” As we turn our minds toward the Lord’s Supper this morning, don’t miss the message that rings throughout each verse.  1) He has come to reclaim ‘ruined sinners’…2) He took my place and ‘sealed my pardon’…3) We are guilty and vile (filthy), yet He was spotless…4) He was lifted up on a cross, but now He’s exalted on high…5) He’s coming back to take ‘His ransomed home’…No wonder we conclude this song with the title.  Hallelujah! What a Savior.

“I Am a Stranger Here” – 658

Most likely new to many though this song dates back to the early 1900’s.  But old or new, do we consider ourselves strangers in this land?  If we truly are God’s people, we are foreigners who serve as ambassadors for our King.  Our charge, to take His message throughout the land.  And as each verse in this spiritual song reaches it’s conclusion we sing; “…I’m here on business for my King.”

“Send the Light” – 650

This maritime hymn will serve as our song before the lesson.  It clearly reflects a Biblical reference of taking the message (the light) to those in need as it draws us to Acts, chapter 16, “During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’.”  In verse 2 we sing, “We have heard the Macedonian call today: Send the light! Send the light! And a golden offering at the cross we lay: Send the light! Send the light!”  But have you thought why the song writer would mention an offering in the second part of this verse?  Perhaps it comes from Romans 15 when the scripture says, “…for Macedonia & Achaia were pleased to make a contribution to the poor…” A country calling for helping, then giving back to God’s people.

“Hark! The Gentle Voice” – 907

Hark, by definition is to say listen attentively.  We might say, “Quiet everyone, listen!”  In that contexts we sing, “Quiet, listen to the gentle voice of Jesus calling…”  Notice the end of the first and second verses; “…turn and listen, stay and hear.” and “…He (the Master holy) will teach if you will learn.”  This song of invitation is calling for us to answer the call of Christ and accept His rest.

“You Are My All in All” – 484treasure chest light

We would consider it foolish to give up on a vast treasure if it was right within our grasp.  Jesus is that treasure and yet we live in a world that foolishly walks away from Him.  How often do we take this precious treasure for granted…without thinking twice we tend to give up.  You and I know what Jesus means, He is our strength and our treasure…He is our All in All.