Securing the Hearts of Our Youth…Part 3

As we conclude this series on ‘Securing the Hearts of Our Youth’, let’s example the third component of mentoring and preparing faithful families.  Let’s turn again to examine the three previously mentioned, elements of securing their hearts.  I truly believe that each of these will help us in drawing our youth closer to God.

Part 1, focused on the importance of a faithful example.  Remember your consistency and faithfulness as you talk with your children, walk through your life and choice your path.  Your example, in some cases, will impact people more than you words.  Our second component (Part 2) addressed the idea of providing opportunities for involvement in the work of the church.  We can include our young people when we give them a chance to work.  Remember, if they’re ‘thirsty’ they’ll ‘drink.’

We have talked about the value of a good example and the importance of training and teaching our young people.  And though these two methods of preparation are vital and needed to direct our youth, we must never forgot the ‘WHY’ behind it all.  For the past 10 years I have taught the college class at our congregation.  There has been Sunday mornings when only three (3) students came to class.  And then again, there have been Wednesday nights when more than thirty (30) young men and women filled the room.  During each class I ask them; “Why?  Why are you here?  No one is making you come; you are here because you chose to be.  Why?”  When we can come to understand the reason we attend a Bible study with God’s people is more than just habit, then they will grow closer to seeing the importance of doing more than just going through the motions.  As a congregation and as individual families we strive to set the proper example.  We focus on training and teaching our young people to serve (men to lead) in the Lord’s church, but our children must come to know why we do what we do.

During the early 1700’s, Isaac Watts at the age of 45, wrote a poem entitled “How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts?”  The poem, a song many have sung for years, asks the question we set as the pinnacle in exploring our objective; Mentoring Faithful Adults into a Life of Service.  How can we safe guard the hearts of our young people for Godly service?  Isaac Watt’s doesn’t miss a beat.  His answer comes from the second part of Psalm 119:9 “…by keeping it (a young man’s ways) according to Your word.”  The song states; “Thy Word the choicest rules imparts to keep the conscience clean.”  How else can we, should we, mentor faithful adults if not through the Word of God.  The Psalmist continues as he writes in the 119th Psalm, “With all my heart I have sought YouYour word I have treasured in my heartwith my lips I have told of all the ordinances of your mouthI will meditate on Your precepts and regard Your ways.  I shall delight in Your statues; I shall not forget Your word.”  Notice the example of seeking God and treasuring His word in our hearts; of mediating on His instruction and delighting (making a priority) of his statutes (the Law of Christ).  As we mentor our young people and train them, we’ll teach them how to tell others about the ordinances (the word) of God.

We have a massive obligation to mentor our young people.  We need to begin early and continue mentoring often.  Our responsibility should never be take lightly.  If you still have children at home, focus your attention on bringing them to God…literally.  Don’t let culture dictate where they will go and what they will do.  Be certain, if you don’t show them that God is first in your life, the world will show they what it holds to be important.  And remember mentoring our young adults must start with you, the parent.   If you have grown children who are no longer faithful and no longer under your guidance; be sure you have your priorities right and pray for an opportunity to correct any errors from your past. You may still be able to sway them if they a change in your life.  If you have no children but want to impact and influence ‘the next generation’, search your heart and be sure you’re focused on Godliness.  Seek ways to teach, train and encourage the young adults in your congregation.  It’s never too late to secure their hearts and guard their lives from sin.  Use God’s word as the light that will guide them through the dangers of the night.  Rest assured, God’s Word is everlasting truth and every page of His word is pure!  Using the Bible as our foundation in life will guide our young people and, as Isaac Watts wrote, will well support our age.

Securing the Hearts of Our Youth…Part 2

As we consider the importance of ‘securing the hearts of our young people’ for a life of faithful service, let’s continue to investigate the components of this pressing topic.  Digging deeper into the question at hand, we turn again to examine the previously mentioned, three basic elements of securing their hearts.  Together, I believe that each of these will help us in mentoring our youth.

To review ‘Part 1’, let’s reiterate the importance of a faithful example in mentoring our youth.  Consistency and faithfulness on an individual basis is important.  But next let’s consider the wisdom in the old saying, ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.’  So if the time of establishing expectations is passed and the individual choice is in place, we have to ask the burning question; “If I can’t make a horse drink the water, what will make a horse drink?”  Here in lies the second method of training up and teaching our young people faithfulness.  A horse lead to water will drink…when he’s thirsty.  An understandable conclusion, but what indeed makes a horse WANT to drink?  A thirsty horse is one that has been working.  We must provide opportunities and for our young people to get involved in the work of the church.  There are vast areas where we expect work to be done around the church building and within the church family.  So who will do the work?  Often it’s easier to hire out the work to be done (missionaries, janitors, etc.) rather than putting the onus of responsibility on the family.

We live in a modest home in north Dallas with a good size yard on a corner lot.  One look around the house and you’ll find we have lots of grass to mow in both the front and back yards.  But who will do it?  For several years I hired out the work to a local lawn service.  They made it look easy and quick (actually they were much quicker than me) and the cost was minimal.  But then my oldest boy turned 12.  My wife and I quickly realized that the monthly cost for mowing could be put toward a new lawn mower and some yard accessories and then he could work with me mowing the yard.  But it wasn’t easy at first.  My son had to be trained.  There were times I was frustrated and could have simply told him to step aside and let me do it.  (Actually, that was said on more than one occasion.)  However, if he was to learn to serve the family and ultimately be able to do work in the yard by himself, he had to be taught, trained and provided the opportunity to ‘get involved.’  Let the young, baptized men of your congregation go to work serving.  Train them to read scripture and serve on the Lord’s Table.  Teach them, as Christ did, how to pray.  Show them how they can lead (yes…even the song service).  Let the young ladies get involved too.  Teach them how to teach in the toddler’s classes.  Introduce them to building bulletin boards or even baking unleavened bread.  Give them opportunities to be involved and start getting thirty.  But you know…training will take time and energy.  So ask yourself the question; “Do I really want the help secure the heart of our youth?”  If we want our young people to grow into a life of faithful service, we must we willing to do what it takes to mentor them into serving.

How shall the young secure their hearts and guard their lives from sin?  Next time we’ll look at the third and most vital of all elements when it comes to preparing our youth.  You’ll remember…Thy word the choicest rules in part…”  See you next time!