God Bless You, Go With God

“Better than I deserve…”, grew to be the expected response after a greeting to and from Dr. Stan Mitchell. It didn’t matter where you were or what you were doing, you were always greeted with an ear-to-ear smile from, in my opinion, the schools’ most ‘social butterfly’. He seemed to be just about everywhere you looked. Sometimes sitting with a group of students just talking and laughing in the library or student center, getting some coffee, walking to class with students, getting more coffee, in his office talking with his students, or walking alone to class…with a cup of coffee in hand. He was never without a compliment to give or a wise word to impart.

Upon hearing of his sudden hospitalization earlier this past weekend and of his passing early this morning, I could not help but think back on many of my “Stan” interactions. There were many times I would pass him in the student center while checking my mail or grabbing a quick lunch, and he’d be on his way through to a class or to check his faculty mail, and without fail, I was ALWAYS greeted with a, “Miss Emili!” and a HUGE smile. I remember specifically one time going to his office (unfortunately, one of the things I didn’t do as often as I wished I had) a short time before my, now, husband and I began dating. Stan had told me a few weeks before I went to see him, that I was welcome to his office, and his chocolate, anytime I liked. I confided in him about being lonely and how I just wasn’t feeling like I was good enough (in the regard of having never been dated or even asked out) and that I didn’t know what was wrong. I do not think I have ever been cut off so quickly and I don’t ever recall him being as stern, and as serious, with me as he was. I’ll never forget what he told me, “Miss Emili, you are wise beyond your years. There is nothing about you that is wrong or messed up (he did air quotes around “messed up”). You’re just further on than any man that’s had the pleasure of meeting you so far. Give him time, he’ll catch up to you.” He said a prayer with me after that and sent me off with a piece of his Ghirardelli chocolate. A few weeks after Thanksgiving he found out that I was dating and, in his words, said, “He must be a nice young fellow,” and told me he was happy that I had found a man who could “keep up with me.”!

Dr. Mitchell has played such an incredible role in the lives of all the students, past and present, and I honestly could not imagine my FHU experience without him in it. Several of my classes at FHU I had taken with Brother Mitchell. I was visiting with a friend of mine this morning, and we got to reminiscing about taking one of his classes that we took together our freshman or sophomore year. He always started out his classes with a song and he always remarked on the rather strong alto voices he could pick out (meaning my friend and me). Without fail, we could always count on him picking a song with a strong alto lead or supporting part.

He provided us with a TON of wonderful memories, as well as advice. I believe I can speak for most Freed-Hardeman students/alumni when I say that in some way shape or form, Dr. Stan Mitchell had an impact on us. If you never had the opportunity to meet Dr. Mitchell, I am so sorry for what you missed out on. He was a ‘modern day’ Barnabas. The kind of encourager that, as Christians, we aspire to be; but not just that, he was a spiritual GIANT with a heart so big there’s no possible way to measure it.

One of the last things he would say in his classes was, “God bless you, go with God,” and I don’t believe his departure from this world could be more fitly summed up.

Stan, I believe with all my heart that today you rest in paradise. I believe that all the people you had met and all those students who you blessed with your smile will carry on with the sweet, simple thought of being blessed more than they deserve just for simply having known you. I will thank the Lord every day for allowing me to be able to sit at your feet and learn from your wisdom and experience. You will be missed but not forgotten. For your family and those who are left to carry on in your absence, this is my daily prayer…God bless you, go with God.

The Sweetest Hour

There is something about sweets around this time of year that make them hard to resist (and maybe not just ‘this time of year.’) They have a way of pulling you back for, ‘just one more bite…’. Perhaps that mindset should even permeate our lives when it comes to what God has instructed regarding our most precious avenue to Him, prayer.

A blind English preacher, William Walford, in the 19th century wrote a song that well encompasses the precious gift of prayer. “Sweet Hour of Prayer” was written and published over 170 years ago, and very poetically encapsulates the pure sincerity of how beautiful our relationship to God can be. Three verses are well-known within the Lord’s church, (Sweet Hour of Prayer) but this fourth was new to me. Perhaps you’ll find it, as I did, a beautiful comparison to the end of our lives on this earth. But notice the reference to Moses and the end of his life as recorded in Deuteronomy 34.

Read the words from this ‘forgotten’ fourth verse:

“Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer! May I thy consolation share, till, from Mount Pisgah’s lofty height, I view my home and take my flight: This robe of flesh I’ll drop and rise to seize the everlasting prize; And shout, while passing through the air, “Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer!””

If you compare the words of this verse and what we know of the area around Mt. Pisgah, on the East side of the Dead Sea, the surrounding area and landscape matches up the description in Mr. Walford’s hymn. Pair this fourth verse up with the 1st-6th verse of Deuteronomy 34 and you will notice that the poetry aligns well with these verses. God has taken Moses to show him the land that was promised to him and his fathers before him, yet does not allow him to enter the land. (Num. 20:9-11 & Deut. 34:1-12) As these parallel well, we ought not to forget or overlook the meanings behind and within these words. At the end of our lives, we can look back on all the experiences. We can see in our children and grandchildren the legacy that we have left and potentially see glimpses of how it will be when we are gone. Knowing we have an end point in our life, what should be the most meaningful and cherished thing to us? Would it be that we made time (spent time) in the sweet hour of prayer.

But if we’re honest, at times our prayers can seem not so sweet. They may feel sorrowful, bitter, painful, and anything but sweet, but read Psalm 141:2 as King David compares prayer to that of the fragrant smell of incense to the Lord. Regardless, of how we feel when and while we pray, it’s the sheer act of sincerely humbling ourselves and taking our concerns to the Almighty that bring us closer to the sweetness we find in Him.

The sweet treats in life are good in the moment, but they will always leave you craving more. Having a personal relationship with our Savior in prayer, will never leave you empty. As a matter of fact, it should leave us wanting more! But it is a relationship that requires active obedience, holy reverence, sincere humility, and genuine faith. All of which will leave us wanting, ‘just one more bite.’

What Is YOUR Story?

We sing that we have a “Blessed assurance,” but what does that mean? When you say/sing that “Jesus is mine,” how does that change your life…does it change your life?

We must consider the rest of this verse if we are to fully understand the value and importance of this assurance in Christ. You will sing that you are an heir of salvation and that you’ve been purchased of God. Have you been born of His Spirit and washed in His blood? If you have, and if you are walking with Christ, then you have blessed assurance.

But you have to realize it doesn’t stop there. As a matter of fact, Fanny J. Crosby realized there was more to this ‘blessed assurance.’ Notice the the importance found the next two verses; “Perfect submission…” Are you prepared to submit to the King of Kings? When you do then you realize that when Christ returns, the joy (rapture) of heaven will burst on our sight. And even in her blindness, Fanny J. Crosby wrote about ‘seeing’ Christ when He comes to take us home. Notice the reference to Matthew 24:31 as she writes, ‘…angels descending.’

So take note of the rest we find with the assurance we have in Christ. The third verse simply states in my Savior I am “happy and blessed.” And with this blessed assurance, we are watching and waiting for Christ to come and take us home. It amazes me how our author of this song used the eyes of her heart to ‘look above.’ It really is no surprise to me that Fanny J. Crosby wrote that this blessed assurance was her story and her song.

Still the question is for you and I to answer is simple. Will you have a heart of submission to Christ? Are you ‘lost in His love?’ Spend your life praising God and singing of His glory. Search for and find that perfect submission. When you do, then you can answer the question…What is Your Story?

Do You (Will You) Know Him?

Let’s take a moment and consider the blessing we have with so many talented hymn writers from across time. Historical figures like Isaac Watts (1700’s), Philip Bliss and William Bradbury (1800’s). Or more recently Albert Brumley, Thomas O. Chisholm and Lloyd O. Sanderson from the late 1800’s to mid 1900’s. But we’d be amiss if we failed to mention the more recent contributors; such as Chris Tomlin (How Great is Our God), Keith Getty (In Christ Alone) and Ken Young (Thomas’ Song). There are so many talented hymn writers/composers that this short article could never do them justice.
But for the next few weeks I’d like to look closely at a contributor who gave her heart and soul to writing hymns for God’s people. We’ll break down three of her most noted songs and perhaps grow closer to praising our God in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. In her writings, Francis Jane Crosby had a desire to place “a heightened emphasis on religious experiences, emotions, and testimonies”  when it came to singing to God. The style she used reflected a “sentimental, romanticized relationship between the believer and Christ.”
Perhaps you’ll remember some of the stories behind the wonderful hymn writer, Fanny J. Crosby. Consider the fact she had a great love for God’s Word and had memorized several books of the Bible (which served as the ‘fountain’ for her inspiration). Some many know that she authored/penned more than 9,000 songs during her life, and many under various pseudo names. But perhaps the most fascinating characteristic that this beautiful hymn writer brings to historical account is the fact she lost her sight at the age of 6 weeks! Before she could even register the memory of sight, she was blind. And though many would find this an opportunity for depression, her true heart was expressed as she wrote…
“It seemed intended by the blessed providence of God that I should be blind all my life, and I thank him for the dispensation. If perfect earthly sight were offered me tomorrow I would not accept it. I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful and interesting things about me.”
And with that in mind, let’s consider a hymn she wrote in 1894 exemplifying her desire to ‘see’ God… “I Shall Know Him”
“When my lifework is ended, and I cross the swelling tide, when the bright and glorious morning I shall see; I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side, and His smile will be the first to welcome me.
Refrain: I shall know Him, I shall know Him, and redeemed by His side I shall stand,
I shall know Him, I shall know Him, by the print of the nails in His hand.
Oh, the soul-thrilling rapture when I view His blessed face, and the luster of His kindly beaming eye; How my full heart will praise Him for the mercy, love and grace, that prepare for me a mansion in the sky.
Oh, the dear ones in glory, how they beckon me to come, and our parting at the river I recall; To the sweet vales of Eden they will sing my welcome home; but I long to meet my Savior first of all.
Through the gates to the city in a robe of spotless white, He will lead me where no tears will ever fall; In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight; but I long to meet my Savior first of all.”


Which Song Should We Sing…

Often our repertoire for singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs is nothing short of limited. We sing on Sunday morning, maybe Sunday night and the for the ‘faithful’ we’ll sing on Wednesday night. But if you were to really push yourself, how many songs (from the hymnal) do you know? Song leaders, honestly, how many options do you have at the ready when Sunday morning comes? If you were to list out 5 or 6 “Communion” songs…which ones would you write down? Right now, as you read this, can you list out 8 or 9 songs that would be good to lead before a prayer?

We have our favorite hymns, but do we know which ones should be placed where in our ‘order of worship?’ What would top your list? Would you include; “How Deep the Father’s Love,” “Ivory Palaces” and “It Is Well with My Soul?” Certainly you would have some of the all-time favorites such as; “How Great Thou Art,” “Amazing Grace” and 728b, “Our God, He is Alive.”

Let’s try this short exercise to see how you would pull together an order of worship for Sunday morning…which of the following would be good for opening worship:

“Be Still and Know,” “Faithful Love” or “O Worship the King” (Why do you choose that song?)

How about the song before the Lord’s Supper:

“How Deep the Father’s Love,” “Bind Us Together” or “Break Thou the Bread of Life” (AGAIN…WHY?)

What about the song before the lesson, a sermon entitled “Heaven is My Home,” would you lead before the lesson;

“My Jesus, I Love Thee,” “Sing to Me of Heaven” or “This Is My Father’s World” (CONSIDER THE QUESTION…WHY DO YOU PICK THE SONG YOU PICK?)

So many options are available, but perhaps with this exercise you can see that just because you like a song or you think it’s a good one, you need to ask why you’re picking each specific song. Realize you have the responsibility to ‘set the mood’ for the moment of worship, then your song selection becomes more focused. And keep in mind, if your repertoire of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs is limited you won’t be able to grow in your worship and leadership as you lead the congregation in singing.

Let me encourage you to wear out your hymnal. Spend long hours reading the words and come to a better understanding of what you’re singing. Then you’ll see what Paul was talking about when he wrote I Corinthians 14:15, “I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with understanding (the mind).”

Dreaming of Heaven

When was the last time you woke up and could remember your dream? Not the nightmare that shakes you awake or the dream that bring tears to your eyes. I’m talking about the dream that fills you peace and brings a smile to your face. Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes we wake up and can’t recall the events, but only a feeling or emotion from the nocturnal vision. Then there are other times when we wake and can recall every scene with vivid detail. Perhaps you’ve had this ‘dream’…or maybe you’ve sung about the vivid details of this vision of heaven!


From a distance I saw a huge crowd of people standing in Heaven around the throne of God. This vast assembly had been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and they were singing to God with an incredibly beautiful melody! As I listened to them singing, I heard their song, and I so wanted to join them. You could say that I tried to sing, but I couldn’t.

This vast ‘singing’ assembly were saints who had died under persecution. Some were killed by the sword and others had been burned at the stake, but all of them stood on the mount because they had died for truth and in the name of Jesus. And as they stood shouting victory and giving praise to “the Lamb,” they were bowing before…the GREAT I AM!

These saints, in the presence of God, were feasting (rejoicing) in His love. But perhaps what intrigued me the most was that this vision, this dream, was perpetual…it never ended. Rising before these saints were images of joy and complete happiness. These ‘scenes’ were always new, no reruns, no repeats… always new rising, over and over and over again in their presence as they sang before the throne of God.

Then, as if given special permission, I joined in the song of praise. This is the song I was singing to God…

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! God of Host on high adore!”

And as I sang, I thought, “How can someone like me be able to sing to the Lord of Host, the Great I Am, the Almighty King?” Still I continued,

“Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! God of Host on high adore! Holy, Holy, Holy!”

This is just a story, maybe a dream, but you no doubt will recognize this ‘vision’ as one of our longtime favorite hymns, “On Zion’s Glorious Summit.” When we sing the songs from years gone by, we must stop and contemplate what we’re singing? We need to ‘see’ the songs we sing. Read the words to this song and come to appreciate the message, then you’ll be closer to understanding what you’re singing.

“I will sing with the spirit, I will sing with understanding…”
I Corinthian 14:15

Part 1: To Care or Not to Care…?

It was about 10:30 a.m. or so, and I was sitting in a local, and seemingly popular, millennial coffee shop, attempting to work on some things for remainder of my current school semester and for post-school work. I decided taking a second to pull back from my work and reign in my thoughts, so I looked up and took in the environment around me. I noticed an older man, maybe in his early 60’s, and his young grandson, maybe 4 or 5, walking in. He had ordered his “little guy” a hot chocolate and then sat at the table next to me. A few ladies walked in shortly after, ordered

their coffee and went to sit on the soft, plush couches nearby. The little one kept asking about his grandma, the fact that his hot chocolate had “Ice” on top, and why his grandpa’s beard was so long. His grandpa then struck up a conversation with the family behind him, who was having coffee, with what looked like a daughter home from college. After talking about his Alma mater, his time in the Marine Corp, and how it had such an influence on his life, the family then thanked him for his service and parted ways He watched them leave and then the man returned his attention to his young grandson, who had been quietly sitting, watching and listening to his grandpa. The ladies that had ordered and sat on the couch, approached the older man about taking their picture, to which he agreed and joked about his lack of ability with technology. Hearing and silently observing the things going on around me, it struck me that the things we have most wrong with our world and the people therein, it’s the lack of common courtesy and care for one another. One may argue that it’s a lack of love that we’re seeing in our world, to which I would not disagree, but where do we even see and get our example of love? Obviously, I can say with utmost certainty that our example of love comes from Christ, His treatment of others and the ultimate demonstration of love, His death on the cross. If we expect to be loved by others, to be treated the way we desire to be, and to see others be treated the way we think they should be, WE need to be the example of Christ’s’ love. It is simple, but not easy. Loving how He loved, is not something we can expect to happen as soon as we’re baptized or as soon as we pray about it. It takes practice. Learning how to love someone regardless of their actions and flaws, is not something that is picked up after one ‘attempt’. We will fail, but that is all part of learning how to be better the next time.

Living So that God Will…Abide With Me

abide with meWritten in 1847, Henry Lyte wrote the words to the hymn, Abide with Me as a prayer seeking God’s presence in life and death. Some contend that this hymn isn’t Biblical considering God is ‘with us always,’ Matthew 28:20. But I would encourage the reader to remember the words of Christ in John 15:5-6…I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. As we sing this song, let me encourage you to recognize the ‘prayer’ that is being offer within these words. The first verse is an understanding of how soon until this life is over (fast falls the even tide). But I’ve always been moved by the second verse which says Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day (the days of our life are flowing away quickly and); Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away (all the wonder and glory of life will fade and pass away). Still we know and realize that…Change and decay in all around I see (everything I see around me is dying, it’s a fact of life.) And yet, Thou who changest notabide with me! That is my plea, and that is what I long for. “In life and death, O Lord, abide with me!”

The above video doesn’t includes all five of the verses, but listen and notice the words of each verse as you seek the Father and strive to live so that He will… Abide with Me.

  1. Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
    The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide;
    When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
    Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me.
  2. Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
    Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
    Change and decay in all around I see—
    O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
  3. I need Thy presence every passing hour;
    What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?
    Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
    Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
  4. I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
    Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness;
    Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
    I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
  5. Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
    Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;
    Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
    In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

God Still Reigns…July 12th

An angry young man storms into the shop, slams his fist against the counter and shouts at the employee, ‘Who is in charge around here?’ With just a few words you know there is unrest and frustration. Someone has been offended and is looking for answers. To get ‘satisfaction,’ we need to know who is calling the shots. In 1952, while speaking to buck stops herethe National War College,  President Truman referenced a sign he had on his desk which read, ‘The buck stops here!’ A statement reassuring the nation, “I’m in charge.”

But when the ‘law of the land’ clashes with ‘God’s perfect law of liberty’ (James 2:25), we are left with angry men shouting, ‘Who is in charge?’ In 1974, Leonard Smith penned the words to a song that gives us the answer to our question. “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good news. Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness, Our God reigns, our God reigns!” If you are wondering who is in charge of this life, and if you want to know Who has the answer to your questions, join us Sunday morning as we remember…God Still Reigns!

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, July 12, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Come Thou, Almighty King” – 19

“Come Thou, Almighty King, help us Thy name to sing, help us to praise! Father all glorious, over all victorious, come and REIGN over us, Ancient of Days!” Do you see God as the One who reigns in your life? Can you trust that, ‘the buck stops’ with Him? When you do, then you’ll understand why His children long to see His sovereign majesty in glory. Where we will, for eternity, love and adore Him. (Which musically leads us to our next song…)

God Reigns

“O Come Let Us Adore Him” – 264

Many recognize this as the chorus to one of our ‘Christmas’ hymns. But today let me encourage you to sing it with ‘more understanding.’ This is a simple repeat of the cause for which we live, “O come let us adore Him…Christ the Lord!” Sometimes we can find a hymn of praise in the most basic of places.


“By Christ Redeemed” – 366

Breaking this hymn into two parts, we’ll sing verses 1-2 before the Lord’s Supper, then following the fruit of the vine we’ll close with verse 3. And yet for years I have sung this 3rd verse without knowing what I was singing. The message…“And thus that dark betrayal night with the last advent we unite, by one bright chain of loving rite, until He come.” We recognize ‘until He come’ from the words of Paul in I Corinthians 11:26, but what is the ‘last advent’ or the ‘loving rite?’ Understanding that an ‘advent’ is defined as ‘a coming’ and a rite is an act done continually, let’s try it again…”And because of that dark, betrayal night we are united knowing that He will come again (with the last advent). And as we continually, ritually (rite), keep the Lord’s Supper (the one bright chain of love), we keep it…until He come.”

“Sweet Adoration” – 253

Sung during the passing of the collection plate, this contemporary song reminds us that God reigns in our hearts. How often, how clearly does our adoration flow to the throne of God? Are we, as His children, constantly giving Him our praise? We would do well to remember that He is the Divine One who still reigns!

“Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place” – 398

Following the prayer, we’ll transition to this reminder that God is with us. Our God STILL REIGNS is in this place!

“The Love of God” – 122

A 100 year old song that resonates in our hearts, especially as we consider the chorus; “…the soul will glow like Jesus in His tender mercy, if the heart is made His dwelling place.” God isn’t looking to sit on an earthly throne. He is not running for office or looking to hold a seat in the senate. Our God doesn’t make His dwelling place Washington, D.C. But never forget that God Still Reigns. He reigns in heaven, and wants us to let Him reign in our lives.kneel at the cross

“Kneel at the Cross” – 945

With God as our King, He welcomes all who will come to Him. But before be can bow before the throne of God, we must first kneel at the cross. Through an acceptance of His death, burial and resurrection, we too die to ourselves and give Him reign over our lives.

“This World is Not My Home” – 957

Many value this world as home, and for the one who has nothing but this world… that would be a sad state. Yet for the child of God, we will live eternally, not in this world, but ‘up in glory land.’ If this world is what you desire, you’ll never know the glory of Christ in your heart. But when you seek ‘heaven’s door,’ and Christ lives in your heart, then you’ll know…God still reigns!

Joy’s Toolbox…March 22nd

busninessman and his toolsDuring my career as an educator, a phrase became popular in K-12 schools across the country. Each teacher was encouraged to develop some ideas and ‘tricks of the trade’ that would help them in their day to day activities. Ideas that would help with classroom discipline, curriculum development, daily activities, and weekly assessments. Ideas and tips that could help a student find success. In a word, we were all encouraged to build a ‘teacher’s toolbox.’ Like the toolbox in your garage, the teacher’s toolbox was designed to accomplish a specific task.

Whatever the job, whether in the classroom or the garage, the proper tools are essential. But what if my task, my job, my hope, is to find happiness in this life? Are there ‘tools’ I should be using to have a life filled with joy? Sunday morning at Waterview we’ll consider the contents of… “Joy’s Toolbox.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, March 22, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.



“Faith is the Victory” – 469

Are you ‘encamped’ on the hills of lights or in the valley of shadows? God’s children stay close to the Light, but know there’s a battle to be fought against the forces of darkness. Remembering our struggle is not against flesh and blood, we ‘press the battle’ against the spiritual forces of darkness.

“In Christ Alone” – no book

“In Christ alone my hope is found…” When you consider a ‘tool’ in joy’s toolbox you must start at the begin, with Christ! Without Him as our hope, we’ll never find joy.

“I’ll Live for Him” – 553

Between the Bread and the Fruit of the Vine we pause and sing the chorus…“I’ll live for Him, who died for me how happy then my life shall be. I’ll live for Him, who died for me…my Savior and my God.” Accepting this sacrifice of love is another essential tool in your toolbox of joy.

“Glory to His Name” – 475

We find glory in the name of Jesus, and we find Jesus ‘down at the cross.’ Let the Lord’s Supper serve as a reminder that we have salvation in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Truly in His death, we find joy in our salvation.toolbox 2

“Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” – 202

“…God of glory, Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee opening to the sun above.” The words where written over 100 years ago to express the simple, common sentiments of the Christian. Perhaps the third verse gives us a basic tool for finding joy in this life. “Thou art Father, Christ, our Brother, all who live in love are Thine. Teach us how to love each other, lift us to the joy divine.”  When was the last time you used this tool (loving one another) in joy’s toolbox?

“There is Sunshine in My Soul Today” – 549

With so much rain here in Texas these past few weeks, this song might seem a little untimely. But when we us the proper tools for living a life of joy, we can rest assured we’ll see the sun (Son) on even the cloudiest of days.

“Jesus Is Tenderly Calling” – 947

The title of our invitation song says it best…Jesus is calling us home. Not in a physical sense, just like the sunshine in my soul is anything but physical, so the call is for us to come home, to repentance, to heaven. In that sense…we find the ultimate joy!

“No Tears in Heaven” – 882

Can we have tears and still have joy? Certainly many have shed tears of joy and know that tears aren’t reserved for sorrow alone. But if there are tears in heaven, they won’t be tears of sorrow. Maybe the question we should ask what kind of tears can be found in the toolbox of joy?