The Awesome Positive Power of Fellowship…Aug. 3rd

What’s the purpose of fellowship, and what does it offer me? I am very busy with my day to day activities, and there’s more to get done than I have time for. Perhaps the idea of fellowship is just another way of coercing people into ‘getting together.’ Some might say that fellowship is just an unnecessary, waste of my valuable time.welcome

Attitudes like this may not be verbally spoken, but the actions of some tend to reject the power of Christian fellowship. Paul referenced ‘the right hand of fellowship’ in writing about Peter, James (the brother of Jesus) and John in Galatians 2. To ‘extend’ the right hand meant to offer yourself as a friend. John adds to the idea of fellowship as he penned I John, chapter 1; “…if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another.” There is power, a positive power in Christian fellowship, and each of us have the choice of either being a friend or not. We can offer the right hand or keep it in our pocket. Do you want to know the awesome positive power of fellowship?


“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, August 3, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Awesome God” – 38

A strong, contemporary song of praise to God! We’ll sing it, but when we clearly understand it, our vocabulary might be changed. “Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above…” Then again, you might have said, ‘that was an awesome game last night.’ Is my definition of ‘awesome’ different in these two situations, or am I just using terminology without thinking about the meaning? What IS awesome to you?

“Leaning on the Everlasting Arm” – 589

“What a fellowship! What a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arm.” My security in Christ is shared with all those who have obeyed His word. And still we lean on Christ for our strength and support. We share in fellowship with one another as we fellowship with Christ. Or as John said, “…if we walk in the Light…”

“Take My Life, and Let It Be” – 664

Several songs share this title, but within the arrangement we’ll sing this morning let’s focus our minds on giving. Notice the 4th verse;  “Take my silver and my gold: not a mite would I withhold…” By definition a mite is ‘any small amount.’ And likely you’re familiar with ‘the widow’s mite’ Jesus mentioned in Mark 12. So as we sing ‘not a mite would I withhold’ we are singing that we will give to God everything. Not ‘withholding’ even the smallest amount.

“More Precious Than Silver” – 273

If you had the choice of a vault full of silver, gold and diamonds, or an eternity in your Lord’s presence, which would you choose. The Christian says, ‘Sure, I would rather be with Jesus.’ But does your life reflect that statement? Is He more precious than silver to you? Do you Mary Gardenconsider Jesus to be more valuable (costly) than gold? Is He more beautiful in your eyes than diamonds?  If I prioritize my life so that I live for Him, then ‘…nothing I desire compares with You.’

“I Come to the Garden Alone” – 595

Singing this song we’re reminded of how Mary might have felt as she stood by the tomb on the first day of the week. “I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses. And the voice I hear falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses…” In this scenario the voice she heard would have said, “Mary!” (John 20:16).

“We Saw Thee Not” – 342

We can read the impact of the scripture as we sing the 2nd and 3rd verse of this song; “We saw Thee not when lifted high…nor heard we that imploring cry, ‘Forgive, they know not what they do!'” and in verse 3, “We gazed not in the open tomb…but we believe that angels said, ‘Why seek the living with the dead?'” Luke 23:34, Luke 24:5 respectively.

“Fellowship Medley” – 703-705

A medley before our lesson of three songs that speak directly of our fellowship. “I love you with the love of the Lord.” Followed by “Bind us together, Lord with chains that cannot be broken.” And then concluding with “A common love for each other.” If we have fellowship with one another we will love one another. John continues in verse 10 of chapter 2, “The one who loves his brother abides in the Light…” and remember, if we walk in the Light we have fellowship with one another. Maybe this one is easier to read than to practice.

“How Sweet, How Heavenly” – 709

Words that were penned almost 225 years ago still remind us of the fellowship we share in Christ. When our brother is hurting, we hurt. But we find this unity, the awesome positive power of fellowship only after we are free from envy and pride. We’ll over look the failings of one another and share in ‘union sweet’ when we show a brother’s love.

“Blest Be the Tie that Binds” – 711

Our closing song is another one that dates back over 225 years. With a ‘fellowship of kindred minds’ we understand and feel the tie that binds. Would that we pour out prayers, express our fears and hopes to each other so we can better understand the power of fellowship.

The Life of Moses…LTC Style

L.T.C. (Leadership Training for Christ) has been a focus for members of the Lord’s church for 25 years. A branch off the Lads to Leaders which began in 1968, L.T.C. has been preparing our young LTC 2014men to speak, lead singing and read scripture. Our young ladies learn how to lead women’s devotionals, sign for the hearing impaired and teach younger children. (Though the boys can do the signing and teaching challenge as well!) And this doesn’t even include chorus, drama, puppets, service challenge and a myriad of other areas for training.

Perhaps the primary focus for those who find L.T.C. (or Lads) a focal point in their year would be the preparation that goes into Bible Bowl. In this ‘event’ students from 3rd -12th grades study a pre-selected section of scripture, then take an oral test to determine their retention of the material covered. Some who dislike tests avoid this event, but to others it is a challenge to see if they can learn, remember and recall the scriptures.

Below are a few of the test questions from L.T.C. 2014, “Called Out”, as we studied the life of Moses (see Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy).

1. Where was the blood of the Passover lamb to be placed? (Ex. 12:22)
a. the door frame     b. the roof of the house     c. the ground     d. on the table

2. As long as Moses’ hands were held up, the Israelite army was _________ the battle. (Ex. 17:11)
a. escaping     b. losing     c. winning     d. surviving

3. How many days did the men, sent by Moses, explore Canaan? (Num. 13:25)
a. 4 days     b. 12 days     c. 40 days     d. 60 days

4. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he was not aware that his face was what? (Ex. 34:29)
a. darkened     b. radiant     c. pale     d. saddened

5. Who was asked to put a curse on Israel? (Num. 22:10-11)
a. Balak     b. Baal     c. Balaam     d. Bashan

6. How many men went to battle against the Midianites? (Num. 31:4)
a. all of them     b. 10,000 men of war     c. only the Levites     d. 1,000 from each tribe

7. What did God have Moses write down and teach to the Israelites? (Deut. 31:19)
a. their history     b. a song     c. the scroll of law     d. words from the stone tablet

8. What plague did Pharaoh’s magicians call ‘the finger of God?’ (Ex. 8:16-19)
a. the water to blood     b. the gnats     c. the frogs     d. the locust

9. Manna tasted like something made from _______  ______? (Num. 11:8)
a. unleavened yeast     b. wheat flour     c. raisins & figs     d. olive oil

10. In Moses’s final blessing, which tribe was referred to as a lion’s cub? (Deut. 33:22)
a. Reuben     b. Levi     c. Dan     d. BenjaminLTC 2014...Bible Bowl

This is just a sampling of the 100 questions the young men and women were given to answer this year at our local L.T.C. convention in Dallas, Texas. Several performed remarkably well and received high marks. And to be honest, others struggled. But knowing the answers to the questions is only half the battle. When we learn from God’s word that we have been ‘called out,’ we’ll know better how to serve our God and King. Leadership Training for Christ is a great experience, but applying the lessons learned from a study of God’s Word is worth it’s weight in gold, silver and bronze.

Are You A Citizen?…October 13th

man without a countryPhilip Nolan was a fictitious Army Lieutenant for the Union during the American Civil War.  Accused of being an accomplice of treason he is put on trial.  During his testimony, in anger, he renounces his country shouting, “I wish I may never hear of the United States again!” Shocked by the outburst of defiance, with cold resolve the judge grants him his wish.  Nolan is sentenced to spend the rest of his life aboard United States Navy warships, in exile, with no right ever again to set foot on U.S. soil.  The final element of punishment is that no one shall ever mention his country to him again.  He becomes, the ‘Man without a Country.’

Citizenship in a country is a sign of belonging.  It establishes your rights and your membership.  If you are not a citizen of a country (or a community), you have no voice or privilege within that country/community.  Our lesson this Sunday asks the question with no clarification, simply…’are you a citizen?’  Join us as we consider our citizenship.   

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, October 8, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah” 3

A beautiful song of praise to our God…read Psalm 148 and you will better understand the power and majesty of this ‘psalm’ of praise.

“Seek Ye First” – 555

A contemporary psalm (song from the scripture) that I remember singing around the campfire.  A ‘teen’ song that inspires the singer/listener to seek God first.  Open your Bible to Matthew 6:33 and sing, “but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you…”

“Hallelujah, What a Savior” – 337

Another psalm as we consider the words of Isaiah in his 53rd chapter…“He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.”  But consider this verse carefully as you sing…”Guilty, vile and helpless we; (we are not innocent, we are disgusting (vile) and unable to take care of ourselves.  Jesus, however, is the Lamb of God, who is without blemish (spotless).  Is it possible (can it be) therefore, that we can have full atonement (cleansing) from our guilty, vile and helpless situation?  The answer is yes and our response is simple…“Hallelujah!  What a Savior.”

“Sweet Adoration” – 253

“Sweet adoration comes from Your children…”  Do we admire our God and tell Him that in our songs?  More than saying it, do we live it?  Can the world see our glory and honor and praise to God as a part of our constant devotion?
solid rock

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” – 538

On Christ…the SOLID Rock I stand!  Where do you stand?

“Jesus, Let Us Come to Know You” – 768

Not your typical invitation song, but this spiritual song calls us to say to our Lord, ‘Jesus, let us come to know You.’  We’ll never know Him, until we give our lives to Him!

“When the Roll is Called Upon Yonder” – 852

The teacher takes roll in class for the simple purpose to find out “who’s there.”  This song was born from the same idea, but looking toward eternity.  When life is over, when the Lord is ‘taking roll’ will our name be called?  When the ‘roll is called’ up yonder…will you be there?

A Golden Opportunity

Have you ever wished you had known about something that was coming up so you could have been a part of it?  A presentation or special program that you would have promoted, supported or at least attended if someone had ‘clued you in’ on the opportunity.  Sometimes we find out about things after the fact and, to be honest, at that time, it’s a little too late.  The chance to participate and grow would have been tantrum girla welcome part of your schedule, but instead…you missed a golden opportunity.

The young mother would have benefited from the seminar on parenting and child raising, but no invitation was offered to her.  The old coach would like to have seen and heard the athlete who was scheduled to speak at the fund raiser; but no one thought to send the old man an invitation.  Granted, they might not have gone to the event, but you’ll never know unless you invite them.  We miss some great opportunities to enrich the lives of others simply because we don’t say anything.  We know some great gem of interest, but hold it to ourselves and miss a golden opportunity.  Why do we pass up those moments to encourage and reach out?  Are we just too busy taking care of our wants that we don’t give thought to what someone else might enjoy, or need?

Maybe the answer lies in our attitude or perhaps in our lack of courage and conviction.  Either way, if you have some good news to share and an invitation to offer but instead hold it back you are, for all practical purposes, taking away an opportunity.

The same can be said about our faith in Christ.  Certainly you’ve read Matthew 28 as our Savior exhorts us to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…”  But how will ‘the nations’ become disciples (be baptized) if they have never hear about the Son?  Romans 10:14 states it best;How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?”  There must be someone who will teach (preach) about the Savior.  Someone must be ready to offer an invitation to ‘come’ and know about Jesus.  Who will tell your friends about heaven?  Will you share with them the golden opportunity for salvation?

In the early 1900’s, James Rowe penned a song that some classify as sad and ‘depressing.’  A song that reminds us of the responsibility we have to teach (even show) our faith in Christ to our friends.  Have you taken the time to tell someone about Jesus?  They can never believe unless they hear and they’ll never hear unless they are told.  Don’t wait for someone else to ‘offer the invitation’, that opportunity of a life time is yours and yours alone.

When in the better land, before the bar we stand
how deeply grieved our souls will be
If any lost one there should cry in deep despair;
‘You never mentioned Him to me.’

Refrain:confused man
You never mentioned Him to me.
Nor help me not the light to see,
You met me day by day and knew I was astray
Yet never mentioned Him to me.

O let us spread the word, where ‘er it may be heard
Help groping souls the light to see.
That yonder none may say, ‘You showed me not the way.’
You never mentioned Him to me.


A few sweet words may guide a lost one to His side
or turn sad eyes to Calvary.
So work as days go by, that yonder none may cry,
‘You never mentioned Him to me.’


The old athlete might enjoy hearing some motivational talk from his younger counterpart, and the young mother might need help raising her child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).  But will anyone invite them to come, learn and grown.  Without an invitation or a word of encouragement we miss a golden opportunity to provide that support.  But more over, without sharing Jesus to our friends and family we miss an even greater opportunity to ‘turn sad eyes to Calvary.’